Spravka O Plavanii Forma 13

.,-nomera-telefonov-dlya-spravok,-adres-elektronnoj-pochtyi-dtszn.html 2018-01-25. -ssyilki/zemelnyie-otnosheniya/torgi/protokol-n13/05-9/94.html 2018-12-21. -turnire-po-plavaniyu-sredi-veteranov-«vester-masters».html 2017-03-06.

Tekst pamyatnogo adresa k yubileyu. S tochki zreniya sovetskih tekstologov zhurnal'nyj variant 'Dvenadcati stul'ev' i pervoe knizhnoe izdanie -- hudozhestvenno nepolnocenny: pervaya publikaciya voobshche ne v schet, poskol'ku tekst sokrashchali primenitel'no k zhurnal'nomu ob®emu, v knizhnom zhe izdanii 1928 goda avtory hot' i vosstanovili ryad kupyur, odnako delali eto naspeh.

This article is devoted to the study of the functioning of the Collective Security Treaty Organization as a subject of regional and interstate security. The main part of the article is presented by a number of theoretical historical provisions regarding the formation of cooperation between countries in international relations, its essence and functional purpose. The author gives a description of the concept of military-political cooperation and its institutions. Also, the results of the study of the literature on the specifics of the functioning of the CSTO are described.

The author analyses the viewpoint widely held by Western scholars concerning the possibility of bypassing the deadlock in the UN Security Council with reference to the UN General Assembly Resolution №377 «Uniting for Peace» and a number of ICJ advisory opinions - in terms of its conformity with the UN Charter’s delineation of the functions and powers of the UN Security Council and UN General Assembly. The author also examines the legitimacy of the Ukraine’s request for the peacekeeping operation on the border with Russia in the absence of the latter’s consent from the perspective of such operation’s compliance with the general principles of UN peacekeeping. From the date of the introduction of restrictive measures against a number of Russian companies by the US and the EU, the parties have increasingly started to choose Asian institutions as a place of dispute resolution when drafting an international contracts. This is mostly due to their flexibility and loyalty to the 'sanctions' component.

This article attempts to reveal the features of one of the most famous arbitration institutions in Asia – the Hong Kong Arbitration Center, emphasize the differences between Hong Kong and mainland China, as well as to analyze the differences between Hong Kong and mainland China arbitration. Also this article specifically emphasizes the procedure for the adoption of interim measures under the rules of the Hong Kong Arbitration Center, as well as the problems of enforcement of such measures.

Polozhenija memoranduma o vzaimoponimanii mezhdu jetimi dvumja pravitel'stvami izlozheny v rabote «Materikovyj Kitaj i Osobaja administrativnaja oblast' Gonkong reshajut problemu ispolnenija arbitrazhnyh reshenij» // Otchet o mezhdunarodnom Arbitrazhe. # 6 (28 ijunja, 1999); i v Oficial'nom soobshhenii dlja pechati, «Vzaimovygodnoe ispolnenie arbitrazhnyh reshenij mezhdu Materikovym Kitaem i Osoboj administrativnoj oblast'ju Gonkong». Pravitel'stvo osoboj administrativnoj oblasti Gonkong. 15 ijunja, 1999. 'It is much better to prevent crimes than punish them,' – said Catherine II the Great.

We cannot disagree with this statement and take a superficial attitude to the importance of prevention of crime in law enforcement. In the article, the author considers the levels and measures for preventing crime in Russia, as well as the effectiveness of such activities and their impact on the state of domestic crime. In addition, a comparative analysis is conducted with a similar institution in the People's Republic of China. China's experience in combating crime is very useful for modern Russian society. And the legislation of the People's Republic of China in form and content is in many respects similar to the Russian one, since the socialist law of China was created under the considerable influence of Soviet legislation. The author makes a special emphasis on the prevention of corruption crime, considering on its example a general range of crime prevention measures. Right is created in order that it is practically implemented through the implementation of the responsibilities to achieve the goals expected by the legislator.

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